FAQs on admit cards-November 2013 CA exams
1. How do I get my admit card?
Admit cards for November 2013 exam are hosted on http://www.icai.nic.in. Candidates may printtheir admit cards from the website.
Physical admit cards for November 2013 examination are also sent by post, as an additionalservice to the examinees.
Both are valid for admissionto the examination.
Admitcard downloaded fromthe website bears your photograph and signature, besides other necessarydetails and is a valid admit card for gainingadmission to the examination. However, should there be still any query,feel free to contact the Helpline numbers of the Exam dept. givenin answer to Question No.14.
2. Will the admit cards bear myphotograph and signature?
Yes, if theapplication you have submitted bears them.
3. I had not affixed my photograph in the exam form. Can I sendthem now?
Yes.However, once the admit cards are posted/hosted, no changeswill be made thereon.The photographs will be used at the time of preparation of pass certificates. We advise you to carry with you a photo identity card issued bythe Govt. or by ICAI at the time of registration as articles assistants, to the examination hall, along with the admit carddownloaded/printed from thewebsite.
4. How do I print myadmit card from the website
Visit the site http://www.icai.nic.in. Enter the following:
Youradmit card and the “Instructions to Examinees” will appear on the screen.You
can then printthe same in A 4 size paper.
5. What is PIN?
Itis the four digit number of your choice which you have enteredin your exam form. Itis like a password. Without this, youwill not be able to download/print your admit cardfrom the website.
6. I forgot my PIN. What can I do now?
We had advised you, earlier, while you filled up the exam form, to memoriseor keep it safe for future reference. We had also advised you to keep a copy of the exam form for reference at a later date, if need be. You can now check the copy of the form for the PIN.
You can also call our Helplinenumbers of the Exam Dept. or the respective regional office(s)forassistance in thematter.
7. Myphotograph and/or signature are notthere in the admit card. Is it valid?
Yes.It is valid. However, in such cases where your photograph is not on the admit card, you should carry a photo identity card issued by the Govt. or issued by ICAI at the time of registration as articled assistants, failing which you will not be allowed entryinto the examination hall.
Else, youmay get your photograph and signatureattested by a Chartered Accountant or a Gazetted Officer on the official letterhead indicating inter-alia the following
Registration Number Exam
Month and Year of exam Roll NO.
MediumGroup Centre
Postal address
and carry thesame to the examination centre, as proof of youridentity.
8. I have downloaded my admit card from the website. However, details therein do notrelate to me. What should I do?
Contactthe Helpline numbers ( mentionedbelow) immediately, quotingyour registration number, bar code number of your examination form and receiptnumber issued by the regionaloffice(s), centre opted (with zone,if applicable), telephonenumber, fax number etc.
9. I have downloaded my admit card from the website. However, details therein are different from what I had filled in my exam application form. What should I do now?
Sendan email or contact the Helplinenumbers ( mentionedbelow) immediately, quotingyour registration number, bar code numberof your examination form and receipt number issued by the regionaloffice(s), centre opted (with zone,if applicable), telephone number, faxnumber etc.
10.I have not yet received the physical admit card sent by post by ICAI. What shouldI do?
Physicaladmit cards have alreadybeen dispatched. You will be receiving them shortly. However, even if you do not receivethem, due to delays in transit, do not worry. You can print your admit card from the websitehttp://www.icai.nic.in and carrythe same to the examination hall. Itis also valid.
11. I have not yet received the physical admit card sent by post by ICAI. Can I have a duplicate admit cardissued?
No.Duplicate admitcards will not be issued. However, a print out of the admit card on A4 size paper will be issued, on request,which will be valid for admission to the examination. In fact, you can take a print out of the admit card from the website www.icai.nic.in yourselfand use thesame.
12. I am not able to print myadmit card from the site. What should I do?
Contactthe Helpline numbers (mentioned below) immediately, quotingyour registration number, bar code number of your examination form and receiptnumber issued by the regionaloffice(s), centre opted (with zone,if applicable), telephonenumber, fax number etc.
13. I received my admit card. I have a valid exemptionin a paper. However, the admit card does not show that exemption. Will I get the exemption?
Exemptions granted to you are not shown on the admit card. Please go throughthe relevant statementof marks of the exam, where in your opinion, you were granted an exemption in a paper(s).
So also, “#” symbol printed against the marks of a paper denotes that you have been granted an exemption in that paper,which will be valid for the next three followingexams. The result of that group is also shown as “F-EX” ( i..e failed with exemption).
Alphabet“E” printedagainst the marks of a paper denotes that marksof that paper have been broughtforward from an exemption granted in that paper in an earlier attempt.
If no such symbol (#) is printed against the marks of any paper, even though the marks obtained in that paper may be more than 60, then that indicatesthat no exemption has been granted in that paper.
14. What are the contact details?
Help Line Telephone numbers: 0120 3054 851, 852, 853 or 835
Fax 0120 3054 841, 843
Intermediate(IPC) candidates : intermediate_examhelpline@icai.in Finalcandidates : final_examhelpline@icai.in
CPT candidates : cpt_exam@icai.in
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